Friday, April 17, 2020

week 1 of iso home schooling

And that's a wrap 
how is your home school going, probably looks better than how my sister and i look. Safe to say i can't wait to go back to school. 


  1. Haha, this is gold Indie! I can't wait until we are all back to normal either! What have you enjoyed about your lockdown period? I must admit I have enjoyed getting those "I'll get around to it" jobs done - I've had no excuse!! Take care and I look forward to seeing your other blog posts coming on soon - hopefully with less tape!

  2. Hi Indie

    Haha, this is just great! I laughed and laughed when I saw this!
    Tell me, what did you both do to end up like this????
    Are you driving your Mum crazy??
    Look forward to reading some of your work when you post it! If you can rip yourself away from the door!!!!

    Talk again soon

    Mrs Costello :)


Thank-you for your positive, thoughtful, helpful comments.